- 皮海薇 副教授
- 03-211-3300 #3361
About Dr. Pi
Dr. Pi got her BS degree from Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University. She then did her Ph.D. study in Dr. Stanley Fields’s laboratory in Stony Brook University. Her study focus on the signal transduction in yeast mating pathway. She did her postdoc training in study of developmental biology in Dr. Cheng-Ting Chien’s laboratory in Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia sinica. She joined the Department of Biomedical Science, Chang Gung University in 2004.
皮老師畢業於台大藥學系(學士)。而後前往 美國紐約石溪大學 – 生化學系 攻讀博士,在 Dr. Stanley Fields 的實驗室做博士研究。博士時期主要是以酵母菌為模式來研究訊息傳導如何活化基因轉錄,並同時學習 yeast two hybrid system。
回國後,進入 中央研究院 – 分子生物研究所 簡正鼎博士實驗室,開始發育生物學的研究。2003 年曾任東海大學生物系助理教授一年。在 2004 年加入長庚大學生物醫學系迄今。
研究之外,最大的嗜好是看電影, 有過目不忘的本領。
Recent Publications
Reproduction disrupts stem cell homeostasis in testes of aged male Drosophila via an induced microenvironment
Stem cells rely on instructive cues from their environment. Alterations in microenvironments might contribute to tissue dysfunction and disease pathogenesis. Germline stem cells (GSCs) and cyst stem cells (CySC) in [...]
The COP9 signalosome converts temporal hormone signaling to spatial restriction on neural competence.
During development, neural competence is conferred and maintained by integrating spatial and temporal regulations. The Drosophila sensory bristles that detect mechanical and chemical stimulations are arranged in stereotypical positions. [...]
Proneural proteins Achaete and Scute associate with nuclear actin to promote formation of external sensory organs.
Basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proneural proteins promote neurogenesis through transcriptional regulation. Although much is known about the tissue-specific regulation of proneural gene expression, how proneural proteins [...]
Smurf-mediated differential proteolysis generates dynamic BMP signaling in germline stem cells during Drosophila testis development
Germline stem cells (GSCs) produce gametes throughout the reproductive life of many animals, and intensive studies have revealed critical roles of BMP signaling [...]